Caring for your Tall Bearded Iris 

On Arrival

Undo packaging and store rhizomes in a cool, dry position until ready to plant.


Tall Bearded Irises enjoy a position that receives a few hours of sun each day.

When planting, spread the roots out (if the rhizome has any). These roots will die but they will help stabilise the rhizome while it develops new roots. To encourage strong growth and flowering incorporate about 1tbsp of low nitrogen fertilizer in the planting area. The top of the rhizome should be flush with ground level or just below the soil. (If planted too deep the rhizome will rot where the leaves join the rhizome.) Ensure the fan is upright to avoid staking in the spring.

If your rhizome has young rhizomes growing from it, leave them attached to the mother rhizome. These baby rhizomes will be ok if they are completely covered with soil.

Late spring and summer are the best times to plant/divide your new iris plants.

Water for a couple of weeks after planting.  Once new roots have formed the plant can withstand dry periods.



Fertilise with low nitrogen fertiliser in spring and autumn. We use a N:P:K of 7:15:13 but Nitrophoska would be OK. They also appreciate some lime (or gypsum) once a year. Remove dead leaves and weeds.

They are prone to leaf spot which can be treated with a fungicide or general rose spray.

Divide clumps when they become crowded.         


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About Us

We were wowed by the colours combinations that were on display. Like most iris lovers, it is the tall bearded that first captured our attention.