About Us

Our introduction to irises was at our local Iris Show.  We were wowed by the colour combinations that were on display and succumbed to the ‘iris virus’ (us, not the plants).
Like most iris lovers, it is the tall bearded that first captured our attention. This was followed by learning about all the species irises that are available.
Tall Bearded irises are our main focus; we wish to share the beauty and pleasure these flowers give us when they again start blooming from late September through to December. There is a range of heights of bearded irises; tall bearded being the tallest group at over 71cm.
We are unable to have open days in 2024 due to other commitments. 


Unfortunately, the sale of irises will be ceased on 15 March this year as I will be unable to do any gardening for 4-6 weeks. 
Sales will resume as usual on 1 September 2025.

Rhizomes are lifted late November through to the end of March to ensure the best planting period for the plants. Orders are sent out in the sequence that they are received, any orders placed prior to 31 October will be sent between late November and mid December.  After this date deliveries are made in January. We aim to deliver February and March orders within two weeks from receiving your order . No   orders are able to be placed between 16 March and 1 September,   when all cultivars will be shown as 'Sold Out'.

Rhizomes may be picked up from us at no cost, we will advise when they are ready. Courier charges are $12 for urban and $17 for rural delivery.
If you are not familiar with web ordering you may contact us via email with irises you would like to order, our preference is for web orders. 



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or phone to see how we can help



Online Shop

Welcome to the extensive range of cottage irises, View our vast selection that come in an impressive variety of shapes, styles and colours.



About Us

We were wowed by the colours combinations that were on display. Like most iris lovers, it is the tall bearded that first captured our attention.